How I Accidentally Created the World's Most-Loved, Best-Made Aprons
In 1987, I started a new job at Steamers Fine Seafood in Phoenix.
They gave me a used apron for my first shift. It was old, worn-out, covered in food stains and re-stitched with the wrong color thread. It looked just awful.
I started working as a server at age 16.
I knew the quality and appearance of my apron spoke volumes about me - and the company I worked for. When I came to a table of customers, my apron was at eye-level. What kind of message did that old, ugly apron deliver? Certainly not the message I wanted to deliver.
So, I asked my manager if I could make a new apron for myself. He said "great!" After 11 years as a server, I knew exactly what I wanted. So, I set about designing the perfect server’s apron.
I chose a fabric with the right color, weight and material for a great, long-lasting apron.
I made it slightly wider to fit me better – and look better.
I gave it wider strings to stay tied and not fray. I added extra pockets for my pens, wine-opener, lighter and ash tray holder. (Remember, this was 1987!)
When the other servers saw my new apron, they loved it. They all wanted one. Soon, Steamers’ sister restaurants asked for my aprons as well. I was in business!
I didn’t want to spend all my time sewing, so I hired a professional tailor. Linda helped me perfect the design of all my products to be the best they can be.
Over the years, we added lots more apron styles as well as tablet belt pouches for iPads and other smart tablets.
(Linda finally retired in 2020 after 33 years with me in 2020. Thank you, Linda!)
Your apron should look as good after a year of wash and wear as it does the first day you open the package.
My aprons are the most-loved, best-made aprons in the world for one simple reason: they're made with love.